to the “Branches” section of this web site.
I created
the “Branches” section as a means of consolidating my family searches while maintaining some degree of separation
between the individual surnames. Each different surname within my personal history
has been listed on the Navigation Bar with its own page.
The information
provided below represents the name and a brief description of the initial connection point between that particular surname
and myself. Thus providing a basic sketch of why I claim that particular surname
as part of my family history.
Gorby: My Grandmother, Margie Eilene (Gorby) Hostetter/Hughes was born the daughter of Norman
Leroy Gorby.
Hostetter: My Mother Carol Ann (Hostetter) Miller/Starkey was born the daughter of Clyde Richard
Hostetter Senior.
Miller: My biological Fathers name was Merland Martin Miller
Hughes: My Mothers’ Mother, my Grandmother Margie Eilene (Gorby) Hostetter/Hughes married
Ernest Walter Hughes and they had four children. Those children are my Mothers’
sisters and brothers, therefore they are also my Aunts and Uncles.
Starkey: My Mother Carol Ann (Hostetter) Miller/Starkey married Robert Wallace Starkey and
they had one daughter. The same grounds for connection exist here as with Hughes,
the daughter born to my Mothers’ second marriage is my sister, thus marking the connection to the surname of Starkey.
Located at the bottom of each individual branch
page an interactive form has been provided for the purpose of submitting additional information regarding what has
aready been posted.